Is it possible to change the size of a specific dialog control at runtime in NSIS?
Image by Madhavi -

Is it possible to change the size of a specific dialog control at runtime in NSIS?

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Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to resize a specific dialog control in NSIS at runtime? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of NSIS scripting and explore the possibilities of dynamically resizing dialog controls. Buckle up, folks, and let’s get started!

What’s the big deal about dialog controls?

In NSIS, dialog controls are the building blocks of your installer’s user interface. They can be buttons, labels, text fields, checkboxes, and more. When creating an installer, you often need to customize the layout and appearance of these controls to fit your specific needs. But what if you want to change the size of a control at runtime? Perhaps you want to adapt to different screen resolutions or languages. That’s where things get interesting!

The short answer: Yes, it’s possible!

– with some caveats, of course. NSIS provides several ways to manipulate dialog controls at runtime, including resizing them. We’ll explore these methods in detail, but first, let’s cover the basics.

Understanding NSIS dialog controls

NSIS dialog controls are created using the `CreateControl` instruction. You can specify the control’s type, text, and initial size, among other properties. For example:

CreateControl MyDlg "Label" ${WS_TABSTOP}|${WS_VISIBLE} 100 100 200 20 "This is a label"

In this example, we create a label control with the text “This is a label” and an initial size of 200×20 pixels.

Dynamic control resizing: Theoretical possibilities

Before we dive into the practicalities, let’s consider the theoretical possibilities for dynamic control resizing:

  • Using NSIS’s built-in functions and instructions
  • Employing external libraries or plugins
  • Writing custom code using NSIS’s scripting language

We’ll explore each of these options in detail, but first, let’s cover the basics of NSIS’s dialog control manipulation.

NSIS built-in functions for dialog control manipulation

NSIS provides several built-in functions for manipulating dialog controls, including:

Function Description
GetDlgItem Returns the handle of a dialog control
SetDlgItemText Sets the text of a dialog control
GetDlgItemText Gets the text of a dialog control
EnableWindow Enables or disables a dialog control
ShowWindow Hides or shows a dialog control
GetWindowRect Gets the position and size of a dialog control
MoveWindow Moves and resizes a dialog control

While these functions are useful for manipulating dialog controls, they don’t directly allow you to resize a specific control at runtime. However, we can use them as building blocks for more complex scripting.

Using external libraries or plugins

External libraries and plugins can provide additional functionality for NSIS scripters. Some popular options include:

  • NSIS dialog plugin (e.g., nsDialogs): Provides advanced dialog control management, including resizing
  • System plugin (e.g., System::Call): Allows for low-level system calls, potentially enabling control resizing

These libraries and plugins can be used to extend NSIS’s built-in functionality and provide more advanced control manipulation capabilities. However, they often require additional setup and configuration.

Custom code using NSIS scripting language

NSIS’s scripting language provides a powerful way to manipulate dialog controls using custom code. By combining built-in functions and creative scripting, you can achieve dynamic control resizing. Let’s explore an example:

; Get the handle of the control
GetDlgItem $0 "MyDlg" 1001

; Get the current size of the control
GetWindowRect $0 $1 $2 $3 $4

; Calculate the new size (e.g., 50% larger)
System::IntOp $3 $3 + ($3 / 2)

; Resize the control
MoveWindow $0 $1 $2 $3 $4

In this example, we get the handle of the control using `GetDlgItem`, retrieve its current size using `GetWindowRect`, calculate a new size (in this case, 50% larger), and then resize the control using `MoveWindow`.

Putting it all together: A practical example

Let’s create a simple installer that dynamically resizes a label control based on the user’s screen resolution. We’ll use the `System` plugin to retrieve the screen resolution and NSIS’s built-in functions to manipulate the control:

!include "MUI.nsh"

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

Var /Global ScreenWidth
Var /Global ScreenHeight

Function .onInit
  ; Get the screen resolution
  System::Call "*(i 0x1C)i.r0"
  Pop $ScreenWidth
  System::Call "*(i 0x1D)i.r0"
  Pop $ScreenHeight

  ; Resize the label control based on screen resolution
  GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1001
  GetWindowRect $0 $1 $2 $3 $4
  If $ScreenWidth > 1024
    MoveWindow $0 $1 $2 200 20
  ElseIf $ScreenWidth > 800
    MoveWindow $0 $1 $2 150 15
    MoveWindow $0 $1 $2 100 10

Page custom MyPage
  Label ${WS_TABSTOP}|${WS_VISIBLE} 100 100 100 20 "This is a label"
  CreateControl MyDlg "Label" ${WS_TABSTOP}|${WS_VISIBLE} 100 100 200 20 "This is a label"

In this example, we use the `System` plugin to retrieve the screen resolution and then resize the label control based on the resolution using `GetDlgItem`, `GetWindowRect`, and `MoveWindow`.


In conclusion, yes, it is possible to change the size of a specific dialog control at runtime in NSIS. By leveraging NSIS’s built-in functions, external libraries, and custom scripting, you can create dynamic and responsive installers that adapt to various environments and user needs.

Remember, the key to successful dialog control manipulation lies in understanding the underlying mechanics of NSIS and creative scripting. With practice and patience, you can master the art of dynamic control resizing and create truly remarkable installers.

Happy scripting, and don’t hesitate to share your experiences and questions in the comments below!

Additional resources

For more information on NSIS scripting and dialog control manipulation, be sure to check out the following resources:

  • The NSIS wiki:
  • The NSIS manual:
  • NSIS forums:

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or topics you’d like to discuss, feel free to ask in the comments!

Frequently Asked Question

NSIS, the amazing installer maker, has its secrets and surprises! One of the most intriguing questions is about resizing dialog controls at runtime. Let’s dive into the world of NSIS and get some answers!

Can I change the size of a specific dialog control at runtime in NSIS?

Yes, you can! NSIS provides a way to adjust the size of dialog controls using the `SetControl` instruction. You can set the new width and height of the control using the `SetControl` syntax.

How do I specify the control I want to resize?

To specify the control, you need to use the control’s identifier, which is usually the control’s name or a unique identifier. You can find the control’s identifier in the NSIS script or by using the `GetDlgItem` function.

What if I want to set the size of a control relative to the dialog’s size?

You can use the `GetDlgItem` function to get the dialog’s width and height, and then use those values to set the control’s size. For example, you can use the `IntOp` instruction to calculate the new width and height based on the dialog’s size.

Can I resize multiple controls at once?

Yes, you can! You can use the `SetControl` instruction with the `hwnd` parameter set to the parent dialog’s handle, and then specify the control’s identifier and new size. This will apply the changes to all controls with the specified identifier.

Are there any limitations or caveats when resizing controls at runtime?

Yes, there are some limitations to keep in mind. For example, some controls may not respond well to being resized, or may have minimum or maximum size limits. Additionally, resizing controls can affect the layout and appearance of the dialog, so be sure to test your changes thoroughly.