How Can I Do Deeplink? A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking the Power of Deeplinking
Image by Madhavi -

How Can I Do Deeplink? A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking the Power of Deeplinking

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Are you tired of sending your users to a generic homepage or login page, only to watch them struggle to find what they’re looking for? Do you want to provide a seamless user experience that takes them directly to the content they need? If so, you’re in the right place! Deeplinking is the answer to your problems, and in this article, we’ll show you how to do it like a pro.

What is Deeplinking?

Deeplinking is a technique used to route users to a specific page or section within a mobile app or website, rather than the homepage or login page. This approach enables you to provide a personalized experience, increasing user engagement and conversion rates. Imagine being able to take users directly to a product page, a specific article, or even a checkout page – it’s like having a magic wand that makes their lives easier!

Benefits of Deeplinking

  • Improved User Experience: By taking users directly to the content they need, you reduce friction and increase the chances of conversion.
  • Increase Engagementública: Deeplinking helps you target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors, ensuring that your message resonates with the right audience.
  • Enhanced Analytics: With deeplinking, you can track user behavior and gather valuable insights to optimize your marketing strategies.
  • Better SEO: By creating a seamless user experience, you’re more likely to improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

Types of Deeplinking

There are two primary types of deeplinking: Traditional Deeplinking and Deferred Deeplinking.

Traditional Deeplinking

In traditional deeplinking, the app or website responds immediately to the link, taking the user to the specified page or section. This approach is ideal for scenarios where the user has the app installed or is already logged in.

Open in My App

Deferred Deeplinking

Deferred deeplinking is used when the app is not installed or the user is not logged in. In this scenario, the link redirects the user to the app store or login page, and once the app is installed or the user is logged in, they’re taken to the intended page or section.

Open in My App

How to Implement Deeplinking?

To implement deeplinking, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Define Your Deeplink Scheme: Determine the format of your deeplink URLs, including the protocol, domain, and parameters.
  2. Configure Your App or Website: Set up your app or website to respond to deeplink URLs, either natively or using a third-party service.
  3. Generate Deeplink URLs: Create the actual deeplink URLs, which can be done manually or programmatically using APIs or SDKs.
  4. Test and Optimize: Test your deeplinking implementation and analyze user behavior to identify areas for improvement.

Deeplinking Tools and Services

There are several tools and services available to help you implement and manage deeplinking:

Tool/Service Description A popular mobile linking platform that supports deeplinking, attribution, and analytics.
App Links A Facebook-owned service that enables deeplinking for mobile apps, with support for multiple platforms.
Firebase Dynamic Links A Google-developed service that provides deeplinking, analytics, and attribution for mobile apps and websites.

Best Practices for Deeplinking

To get the most out of deeplinking, follow these best practices:

  • Use Consistent Formatting: Establish a standard format for your deeplink URLs to ensure consistency across your app or website.
  • Test Thoroughly: Verify that your deeplinking implementation works across different devices, platforms, and browsers.
  • Provide Fallback Options: Offer alternative routes for users who don’t have the app installed or are not logged in.
  • Monitor and Analyze: Track user behavior and adjust your deeplinking strategy based on the insights gathered.


Deeplinking is a powerful technique that can revolutionize the way you interact with your users. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a seamless, personalized experience that drives engagement and conversion. Remember to choose the right tools and services, test thoroughly, and continually optimize your deeplinking strategy to get the most out of this game-changing technology.

So, how can you do deeplink? Start by implementing the steps outlined above, and watch your user experience soar to new heights!


Frequently Asked Question

Want to know the secrets of deeplinking? You’re in the right place! Here are the most frequently asked questions about how to do deeplink, answered just for you.

What is deeplinking, and how does it work?

Deeplinking is a technique that allows you to link to a specific page or section within a mobile app, rather than just the app’s homepage. It works by using a unique URL that points to a specific location within the app, allowing users to jump straight to the content they want to see. This enhances the user experience and increases conversions!

Do I need to have a mobile app to use deeplinking?

Yes, you do need to have a mobile app to use deeplinking. Deeplinking is a technique used to link to specific pages or sections within a mobile app, so you’ll need an app to deeplink to. But don’t worry, you can use deeplinking for both iOS and Android apps!

How do I create a deeplink?

Creating a deeplink is relatively easy! You’ll need to use a deeplinking solution like Branch or Firebase, which will generate a unique URL for you. You can then use this URL in your marketing campaigns, social media, and other channels to drive users to specific pages within your app.

Can I use deeplinking for web apps too?

While deeplinking is most commonly used for mobile apps, you can also use it for web apps! This is especially useful if you have a progressive web app (PWA) or a single-page application (SPA). However, keep in mind that the implementation might differ slightly from mobile apps.

Are there any benefits to using deeplinking for my marketing campaigns?

Absolutely! Deeplinking can significantly improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. By driving users directly to the content they’re interested in, you can increase conversions, reduce bounce rates, and enhance the overall user experience. Plus, it can also help you track attribution and measure the ROI of your campaigns more accurately!

I hope that helps!