TamperMonkey Script to Add Products to Cart: A Game-Changer for Online Shopping
Image by Madhavi - hkhazo.biz.id

TamperMonkey Script to Add Products to Cart: A Game-Changer for Online Shopping

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Welcome to the world of automation, where tedious tasks become a thing of the past! In this article, we’ll dive into the wonderful world of TamperMonkey scripts and show you how to create a script that adds products to your cart with just a few clicks. Yes, you read that right – no more tedious browsing, searching, and clicking; our script will do it all for you!

What is TamperMonkey?

Why Create a Script to Add Products to Cart?

Imagine you’re shopping on your favorite e-commerce website, and you want to buy multiple products. Typically, you’d have to:

  • Search for each product
  • Open each product page
  • Click “Add to Cart” for each product
  • Repeat the process for each item

Ouch! That’s a lot of repetitive work. With our TamperMonkey script, you can add multiple products to your cart with just a few clicks. This script saves you time, reduces boredom, and makes online shopping a whole lot more enjoyable.

Creating the TamperMonkey Script

Now that we’ve convinced you of the script’s awesomeness, let’s get started! Follow these step-by-step instructions to create your very own TamperMonkey script:

Step 1: Install TamperMonkey

Head over to the Chrome Web Store (or the Firefox Add-ons page) and install TamperMonkey. Once installed, you’ll see a TamperMonkey icon in your browser toolbar.

Step 2: Create a New Script

Click the TamperMonkey icon and select “Create a new script.” Name your script (e.g., “Add Products to Cart”) and set the namespace to “https:\/\/example.com\/script” (replace “example.com” with the website you want to use the script on). Click “Create” to create the script.

Step 3: Define the Script

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Add Products to Cart
// @namespace    https://example.com/script
// @version      0.1
// @description  Try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://example.com/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  'use strict';
  var productsToAdd = [
    'Product 1',
    'Product 2',
    'Product 3'
  var CartLink = 'https://example.com/cart';

  function addProductToCart(productName) {
    var productId = getProductId(productName);
    if (productId) {
      var apiUrl = 'https://example.com/api/add-to-cart';
      var formData = new FormData();
      formData.append('product_id', productId);
      formData.append('quantity', 1);
      fetch(apiUrl, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: formData
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => console.log('Added to cart:', data))
      .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

  function getProductId(productName) {
    // Replace with your logic to get the product ID
    // For this example, we'll use a simple object
    var products = {
      'Product 1': '12345',
      'Product 2': '67890',
      'Product 3': '34567'
    return products[productName];

  // Add products to cart

  // Redirect to cart page
  window.location.href = CartLink;

Step 4: Save and Reload

Save the script by clicking the “Save” button. Reload the TamperMonkey page to ensure the script is loaded.

How the Script Works

The script uses the following logic:

  1. Defines an array of product names to add to the cart (productsToAdd)
  2. Defines the cart link (CartLink)
  3. Creates a function addProductToCart that takes a product name as an argument
  4. Within addProductToCart, it:
    • Gets the product ID using the getProductId function
    • Sends a POST request to the API endpoint (apiUrl) with the product ID and quantity
    • Logs the response data to the console
  5. Calls the addProductToCart function for each product in the productsToAdd array
  6. Redirects to the cart page after adding all products

Customizing the Script

The script is designed to be flexible, so you can modify it to fit your needs. Here are some suggestions:

  • Update the productsToAdd array with your desired products
  • Modify the getProductId function to retrieve product IDs from your website’s database or API
  • Change the API endpoint (apiUrl) to match your website’s API
  • Add error handling and logging to improve script reliability


If you encounter issues with the script, try the following:

  • Check the browser console for errors
  • Verify the script is running on the correct webpage
  • Review the API endpoint and request data
  • Test the script with a single product to isolate issues


Voice of excitement: “You did it! You’ve created a TamperMonkey script to add products to your cart with ease!” Pat yourself on the back, because you’ve saved time, reduced boredom, and taken online shopping to the next level.

Remember, this script is just the beginning. With TamperMonkey, the possibilities are endless. Happy scripting!

Script Features Benefits
Adds multiple products to cart Saves time and reduces boredom
Customizable product list Easy to add or remove products
Supports API endpoint modification Fits seamlessly with your website’s API
Error handling and logging Improves script reliability and debugging

Now, go forth and automate your online shopping experience!Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “TamperMonkey script to add products to cart” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to use TamperMonkey script to add products to cart with ease!

What is TamperMonkey and how does it help me add products to cart?

TamperMonkey is a browser extension that allows you to run custom JavaScript scripts on specific websites. With TamperMonkey, you can create a script that automates the process of adding products to your cart, saving you time and effort!

How do I create a TamperMonkey script to add products to cart?

To create a TamperMonkey script, you’ll need to have some basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML. You can start by creating a new script in TamperMonkey and using the website’s Inspector tool to identify the elements that need to be clicked to add products to the cart. Then, use JavaScript to simulate those clicks and add the products to the cart!

Can I customize the script to add specific products to cart?

Absolutely! You can customize the script to add specific products to cart by modifying the script to target specific product IDs, names, or categories. You can also add conditional statements to check for stock availability, prices, or other factors before adding the product to the cart.

Is it safe to use a TamperMonkey script to add products to cart?

As long as you’re not using the script to exploit or harm the website or its users, it’s generally safe to use a TamperMonkey script to add products to cart. However, be sure to check the website’s terms of service and robots.txt files to ensure that you’re not violating any rules. Additionally, be cautious when using scripts that interact with sensitive information like login credentials or payment details.

Can I share my TamperMonkey script with others?

Yes, you can share your TamperMonkey script with others, but be sure to provide clear instructions on how to use it and any necessary dependencies. You can share the script on TamperMonkey’s forum, GitHub, or other online platforms. Just remember to respect the original website’s terms of service and intellectual property!

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